Ever wondered if you are a therian? That’s what we’re exploring today. Therianthropy is when someone feels a connection to animals, like they have an animal’s spirit or soul that may be a Cat, Wolf or even a Fox. So, how can you tell if you’re a therian? Let’s check out these 10 signs. But remember, these signs aren’t a guarantee, because everyone’s experience with therianthropy is different.
Sign 1: Shifting Sensations
One of the first signs that suggest that you might be a therian is the experience of shifting sensations. Yes, Therians sometimes experience ‘mental shifts’ or ‘phantom shifts’ while they temporarily adopt the physical or sensory characteristics of their theriotype, the animal with whom they connects their soul. During these time, therians may experience a shift in their perspective, may be they have a keen will to howl at full moon or lick your palm like a cat. So, if you find yourself undergoing such shifting sensations, it could indeed be a sign that you are a therian.
Sign 2: Day Dreams and Nightmares
Therians often have vivid dreams or daydreams involving their therian spirit. Usually, these dreams or visions, whether realistic or symbolic, often immerse you in the feeling of being in the body of an animal. Keep an eye on your dreams! If you often find yourself dreaming about being with a certain animal, or if you have frequent nightmares about it, it might be a big clue hinting towards a potential therian link.
Sign 3: Phantom Limbs
Some therians feel like they have the body parts of their therian animal, even though they don’t actually have them in reality. This intriguing sensation, known as phantom limbs, can be a strong indicator of a therian identity.
Sign 4: Strong Animal and Nature Affinity
Therians often feel a deep bond with a particular animal species. This connection can show up as a love for animals, a fascination with them, or feeling closer to them than other people. But it doesn’t stop there. Therians also feel a strong connection to nature. If you’re a therian, you might find solace and fulfillment in spending time outdoors. This dual love for animals and nature is an important aspect to think about when considering if you might be a therian.
Sign 5: Enhanced Sensory Perception
Ever had the feeling that your senses are super sharp, like those of a particular animal? Well, it’s something many therians talk about. They often notice that their senses are extra keen and match up with the traits of their chosen animal. For example, if you feel a connection to animals with great smelling or hearing abilities, you might find your own senses are stronger in those areas too. This heightened sensory perception is another interesting part of what it means to be a therian.
Sign 6: Connection with an pet since birth
Here’s something worth noting: A lot of therians talk about having a special bond with a particular animal, sometimes since they were kids. It could be an animal you’re drawn to, feel close to, or just have a strong connection with. Feeling this deep understanding, empathy, or kinship with an animal is a strong sign that you might be a therian.
Sign 7: Natural Instinct
Ever catch yourself acting like a particular animal without even thinking about it? Whether it’s how you move, your habits, or how you handle situations, these instincts could be a clue. So, if you find yourself naturally showing animal-like behavior and being fascinated by their instincts, it might be a sign that you’re a therian.
Sign 8: Spiritual and Symbolic Connection
Lots of therians feel a spiritual connection to their chosen animal. Some also feel a strong tie to symbols or stories linked with their animal. So, if you’ve ever felt spiritually connected to a specific animal, it could be a hint that you’re a therian.
Sign 9: Ancestral Connection
Take a moment to look into your family history. Some therians believe their connection to an animal comes from their ancestors. If your family has a history of loving a certain animal, it might be worth exploring this link further.
Sign 10: Long-Term Consistency
Think about how you’ve felt over time. Being a therian isn’t something that comes and goes—it’s usually a long-term part of who you are. Before we wrap up, remember this: Being a therian is a personal journey. These signs we’ve talked about aren’t definite proof, because being a therian is different for everyone. But if you find yourself nodding along with a lot of these signs, it might be worth exploring more about what it means to be a therian. Connect with others who feel the same way, and always stay true to yourself. Until then, embrace your wild side!